Project title: DIGI.JOB.ID. – Digital Job Identities
Programme: Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership
Internet site of the project:
DIGI.JOB.ID. aims at improving digital integration by promoting the use of social networks for the purpose of teaching and learning, especially for displaying the results of previous learning processes and their application to the development of a positive professional identity and the transition from education to the world of employment. At the same time it comes to producing high-quality open educational resources (OER), which at the same time are focusing on the participants in vocational education and training (VET) as well as their teachers and mentors.
The project also focuses on the competencies of teachers and trainers in different VET, because it wants to equip them with new skills and tools that would help ensure quality results of learning processes and evaluation skills of the participants.
The overall objectives of the project DIGI.JOB.ID. are:
- Improving the transition from education to the world of employment for young people.
- Improving ICT and digital skills of young population and their teachers and mentors.
- The development of transversal skills, such as reflection, presentation and communication.
- Prevention of exclusion of young people from education, employment or training and increasing employment.
- Development of vocational identities.
- Evaluation and validation of learning outcomes in VET.
- Promoting results-founded VET.
- Contribution to the development of open education resources.
- Improving the use of European transparency instruments (ECVET / EQF).
Partners in the project:
BFI OOE, Austria
AKLUB Centrum vzdělávání a poradenství
OZARA storitveno in invalidsko podjetje d.o.o., Slovenia
North West Regional College
Duration of the project: 2015 – 2017
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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