Title of the project : RURAL INDEPENDENT LIFE: From institutionalization to comprehensive support for an independent life of people with disabilities in rural areas”, training program for professionals

Program/financer: Erasmus +, KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals highlight the need for inclusion
of people with disabilities. This is even more important in everything we do during and after the COVID-19 crisis. Only by
focusing on the abilities of all members of rural communities will we be able to build equal, inclusive and sustainable
economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics and the many other global challenges we face. In
rural areas, people with disabilities tend to face more challenges than their counterparts in urban areas. They are less
likely to have attended school, less likely to be employed, less likely to be attended by a skilled health worker and less
likely to access internet. Similarly, they are often left behind in rural development interventions. People with disabilities are
frequently seen as objects of charity, medical treatment and social protection, not as individuals who are capable of
exercising their rights, making decisions based on their free and informed consent and being active members of society
and the economy. Along first phase of EU-Rudisnet project (ka204-082423), where the idea of Rural Independent life
project born, the followings needs were detected: – Implement collaboration formulas between different agents
participating in rural development. – Find new sources of employment in the rural world as for example personal assistant
figure and social services around independent living. – Implement training and awareness-raising actions for education
professionals that support improvement of quality of life of PWD in rural areas. – Promote the use of new technologies as
a strategy for access to information, empowerment and promotion of personal autonomy for PWD.

Main purpose of Rural independent life project ( “From institutionalization to comprehensive support for an independent
life of people with disabilities in rural areas”, training program for professionals) is to create an innovative and
comprehensive training program for professionals ( social workers, adult educators, professionals of municipalities’
services who attend people with disabilities) aimed to promote social inclusion and independent living for PWD living in
rural areas Rural independent life project will be implemented by a cooperation that will set down the role of the personal
assistant for independent life and innovative mentoring methods for professional who will after mentor to PWD in their
independent living processes Specific objectives of RURAL-IN-LIFE project are:

*Contribute to the social inclusion of PWD in rural areas.
*Identify the information and methodological needs of professionals from rural municipalities covered by the project, when they attend PWD and to promote independent living in their social inclusion process.
*Develop a transnational workshop aimed to staff of adult education of PWD which allow them to plan and design an innovative
training for professionals of rural municipalities, social workers, NGO staff and/or Adult educators of PWD on deinstitutionalization and comprehensive support for an independent life of people with disabilities in rural areas.
*Implement training courses aimed to mentor and plan the independent living process of a person with disabilities and also what is the figure of personal assistant figure (Required specific and general competencies, and also transversal competences).
*Mentoring process of PWD in their processes for independent living by these professionals trained by the project.
*Disseminate results, training and tools created at a transnational level.


Duration : 15/11/2021- 15/05/2024

Website: https://www.ruralinlife.eu/

Partner organization :

Spain Andalucía SEVILLA http://cocemfesevilla.es/

European Society for Quality and Safety  in Family Practice (EQuiP) Denmark Midtjylland Egå http://equip.woncaeurope.org/

Fondazione Istituto dei Sordi di Torino  www.istitutosorditorino.org

Istanbul Gelisim Universitesi – www.gelisim.edu.tr


Federacion Coordinadora de Personas  con Discapacidad física y/u orgánica de Bizkaia www.fekoor.com

Federación de Asociaciones de atención a personas con discapacidad física y orgánica de la Comunidad de Madrid https://famma.org/



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