OZARA Project Management Office represents an integral part of OZARA Service and Disability Company, Maribor, Slovenia. In accordance with OZARA’s mission, the Project Management Office is dedicated to EU projects development and implementation intended to fulfil the needs of different groups under risk of social exclusion.
Through the last 11 years, we have created better opportunities for disabled, young, and other difficult-to-employ people by our participation in the many national and international projects.

Project title: Motivation and Empowerment App – developing an innovative digital tool for enhancing the employability and sustainable job market for integration of unemployed adults with multiple psycho-social obstacles to employment.
Funding programme: Co- funded by the European Union

Project title: Empowering Rural Communities with Digital
Entrepreneurship to Boost Local Economies
Co- financed of the project: Co- funded by the European Union

Project title: Digital mentoring for young people with disabilities in rural areas: Improving skills for an independent living; Improving my future
Funding programme: Co- funded by the European Union

Project title: Raising the level of digital skills and competencies for combating exclusion in the digital era
Co- financed of the project: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Pathways towards Inclusion – Transitions from Sheltered Employment for People with Intellectual Disabilities into the Regular Labour Market: Identification, Dissemination and Implementation of Good Practice in Europe
Funding programme: Co- funded by the European Union

Project title: Rural independent life: “From institutionalization to comprehensive support for an independent life of people with disabilities in rural areas”, training program for professionals
Co- financed of the project: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Empowering Youth Individuals with fewer opportunities towards citizenship
Funding programme: Erasmus + – Cooperation partnerships in youth

Project title: Network for social inclusion of people with disabilities in The EU rural areas through mentoring and leadership training programe
Co- financed of the project: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Disabilty Enterpreneurship Expert
Funding programme: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Vocational Innovation using Creative new TechnOlogies Resulting in Upskilling Pathways for Employability and Social Integration
Co- financed of the project: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Empowerment of women with mental illness living in rural areas through writing therapy
Funding programme: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Bottom-up Sport Partnership
Co- financed of the project: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Enhancing Employability Skills of Persons with Disabilities
Funding programme: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Developing competences of adult educators to support the employment of persons with mental disabilities
Co- financed of the project: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Intergenerational Social Innovation Support Scheme
Funding programme: Co-funded by Interreg Central Europe program of the EU

Project title: Adressing the needs of the families with disabled persons
Co- financed of the project: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Disemex – Disability Employment Expert – exchange of good practice and benchmarking of best practice strategies aimed at facilitating the integration of people with disabilities into the first labour market and thus promoting social inclusion
Funding programme: Erasmus +, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practises- Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project title: social inclusion through craftsmanship in the digital age with the professional figure of the “Makers – artisan of digital wood”
Funding programme: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: StoryTeller – Empowerment of persons under risk of exclusion through development of storytelling professional training in under-equipped EU countries
Funding programme: Erasmus +, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practises- Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training,

Project title: Be Mindful – An innovative mindfulness based training program for mental health professionals.
Funding programme: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Migrant Mentorship Model – MMM
Funding Programme: Erasmus +, Innovation Cooperation and Good Practice Sharing – Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education

Project title: DIGI.JOB.ID. – Digital Job Identities
Programme: Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership

Project title: Paving the way
Funding programme: Erasmus +, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Funding programme: Erasmus +, Sport, Non-Profit European Sport Events

Project title: CHICK & CRAFT – Recycled & re-used clothing design through peer learning and social media
Programme: Erasmus+, Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project title: HORticulture & GArdening learNIng spaCes – HORGANIC
Programme: LLP, GRUNDTVIG Multilateral projects
Cofinancer: EACEA

Project title: tune in! Combating drop out
Programme: LLP, Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation
Co-financer of the project: Nationalagentur OeAD from Austria

Project title: AQUA.TS Automatic control quality. tool system
Programme: LLP Centralised projects, LdV MP for the Development of Innovation
Co-financer of the project: EACEA

Project title: Raising Strong and Resilient Communities
Programme: Erasmus+, Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Co-financer of the project: National Agency in Finnland
One step further towards a healthy life (“Korak k zdravemu življenju”)
Programme: Public tender issued by Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS) in order to co-finance projects concerning occupational health in years 2015 to 2016 (ZZZS Gazette Nr. 1/12.6.2015)
Co-financer of the project: Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije (ZZZS) – Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS)

Project title: ERGO WORK (Joining academia and business for new opportunities in creating ERGOnomic WORKplaces)
Programme: LLP Centralised projects, ERASMUS MP, Knowledge Alliances
Co-financer of the project: EACEA
Project title: D.A.E.L. (Disabled Adults in Experiental Learning)
Programme: LLP, Grundtvig learning partnership
Co-financer of the project: CMEPIUS

Project title: ACTrain (Accessible web-based and interactive video-supported skills transfer)
Programme: LLP, Leonardo da Vinci, Multilateral projects for Development of Innovation
Co-financer of the project: EACEA

Project title: MPIS (Mobile support and information service for counselling, improvement of social inclusion, and the employability of vulnerable groups)
Programme: OP HRD 2007-2013
Co-financer of the project: ESF and Ministry of Labour, Familiy and Social Affairs
Project title: TrainProCoop (Training of key staff in SMEs for the successful economic cooperation and labour market integration of persons with disabilities and persons with limitations regarding employment)
Programme: OP SI-AT 2007-2013
Cofinancer: SVLR, ESF, BMASK, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

Project title: Introduction of an educational programme for the coordinators of vocational rehabilitation in Slovenia
Programme: Social Renewal OP (TÁMOP)
Co-financer of the project: National Development Agency

“Enabling easier access to the labor market and returning it to those who have problems with integration and reintegration into it ”
Project Management Office on Facebook

Project title: Empowerment of women with mental illness living in rural areas through writing therapy
Funding programme: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Project title: Bottom-up Sport Partnership
Co- financed of the project: Co- funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union