Project Title : EU RUDISNET – Network for social inclusion of people with disabilities in The EU rural areas through
mentoring and leadership training program

Programme/financer: Erasmus +, KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education


Persons with disabilities comprise an estimated 15 per cent of the world’s population, or one billion people, of whom 80 per cent live in developing countries and are overrepresented
among those living in absolute poverty. Persons with disabilities often encounter discrimination and exclusion on a daily basis.
The situation is even worse if they live in rural areas, are woman, young, belong to ethnic minorities and/or other discriminated groups.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes persons with disabilities and has thus opened doors for their participation and recognition as active contributing members of
society: who must not face any discrimination or be left out or behind. Persons with disabilities should be recognized as equal partners, and be consulted by Governments, the UN
system, civil society and other stakeholders.
The main purpose of Network for social inclusion of people with disabilities in The EU rural areas through mentoring and leadership training program -EU- RUDISNET is to create an
European network aimed to the social inclusion of people with disabilities through the development and pilot implementation of an innovative program aimed to promote cooperation
and formation of civic partnerships in rural areas. This network will train adult PWD as a way to contribute the development and integration of these PWD in their rural scopes because
they face fewer opportunities and lack of information due they face double discrimination.
This will be possible mainly through the development of training in mentoring methods and leadership skills and other soft skills for PWD using innovative approach, methods and tools,
thanks to an European cooperation established by organisations coming from different fields but sharing characteristics and objectives.
Specific objectives:
– Increase the self-confidence and integration of PWD from rural areas in an individual and collective way.
– Identify the existing needs that PWD from rural areas face in their daily day and regarding lack of information about social resources and other available means / opportunities for
these citizens, recognizing training needs of this people in relation of leadership and civic participation in each of the region covered by the program.
– Detect the best practices developed for social inclusion of PWD in rural areas in each of the European regions covered by the project.
– Emphasize the importance of training and improve leadership and other soft skills for PWD keeping in mind that this must be a process of empowerment that will allow the person to
get the abilities to promote the cooperation and leader the formation of civic partnerships, as a mean to defend their rights and eliminate barriers that avoid their social inclusion.
– Develop an innovative transnational training course aimed to professionals of adult education of PWD which allow them to create new contents aimed to mentor and train on
leadership and other soft skills in order these PWD in rural areas could be included and active members of the whole society.
– Implement training courses aimed to develop leadership and other soft skills competences and thus mentor methods for PWD from rural areas.
– Disseminate results, training and tools at national and transnational level.
– Management
– Qualitative study to identify the existing needs from PWD from rural areas and lack of information about opportunities for them in the European regions covered by the project.
– Development of a Virtual Community of European professionals adult educators, mentors and trainers of PWD, putting them in contact each other and with other professionals, in
order to share experiences, knowledge, training, etc.
– Develop an innovative transnational training course aimed to professionals of adult education of PWD staff which allow them to create new contents aimed to mentor and train on
leadership and other soft skills in order these PWD in rural areas could be included and active members of the whole society.
– Implementation of training for trainers courses aimed to develop leadership and other soft skills competences and thus mentor methods for PWD from rural areas.
– EU-RUDISNET portal, an open ICT tool designed with the purpose of modelling a learning community for supporting adult educators professional upgrade in the field of mentoring
and supporting the civic participation and social leadership of PWD living in rural areas.
– Local action / workshops for mentoring accompanying process to empower PWD to be leaders in their rural areas and to contribute to improve life of PWD and exploitation of
resources and opportunities for these people at local level.
– Celebration of multiplier events in each European country partner to disseminate results, training and tools created at national level.
– Dissemination strategy
– Evaluation and quality assurance plan

Duration: 1/11/2020-30/04/2023

Website: https://www.eurudisnet.eu/ 




Consorzio Cooperative Sociali SGS Servizi Globali Sociosanitari  – Italy

Istanbul Gelisim Universitesi – Turkey

Ländliche Erwachsenenbildung Thüringen e.V. – Germany





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