Project title: D.A.E.L. (Disabled Adults in Experiental Learning)
Programme: LLP, Grundtvig learning partnership
Co-financer of the project: CMEPIUS
Content of the project:
Within the framework of the project D.A.E.L. as partners we dedicated our time to the following fields:
- exchange and comparisons between different methods, systems, tools and innovative approaches within the fields of training, employing, and socially including persons with disabilities
- observations, mentoring, assessment and evaluation of key competences regarding persons with disabilities, and comparisons and evaluations of the tools used by the partners for evaluations within the frameworks of different integration systems
- acknowledgement of formal and informal education, by taking into consideration the different needs of persons with disabilities
- acknowledgements of competences with the purpose of labour market integration and employment
- comparison of evaluation mechanisms within different European frameworks, and their integration with the existing systems of all partners
Project partners:
- Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri
- OZARA d.o.o.
- Kendro Merimnas Eikoyennias kai Pediou
- Berufsfoerderungswerk Nuernberg gemeinnuetzige Gesellschaft mit beschraenkter Haftung
- Dél-dunántúli Regionális Munkaügyi Központ
Duration of the project: 2009 – 2011