One step further towards a healthy life (“Korak k zdravemu življenju”)


Programme: Public tender issued by Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS) in order to co-finance projects concerning occupational health in years 2015 to 2016 (ZZZS Gazette Nr. 1/12.6.2015)

Co-financer of the project: Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije (ZZZS) – Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS)

Content of the project: Main purpose of the project is to provide significant contribution to higher health level of employees working in companies and occupational centres for persons with disabilities. Next to that, the project also aims at achieving a decrease in the existing use of health services.

Aims of the project:
–    Preparation of educational contents and training
–    Promotion of occupational health that also has important influence on:
•    higher awareness considering the evasion of harmful actions at the workplace,
•    higher level of health in workers and/or employed persons with disabilities including the enhancement of their physical and mental health,
•    increase in trust between employers and employees,
•    decreased use of health services,
•    development and improvement of awareness regarding healthier lifestyle,
•    implementation of preventive measures,
•    dissemination of good practice examples in order to contain absentism.

Project vision:
All participants in the project expect to increase the implementation of measures intended to maintain and/or enhance health condition of employees working in companies for persons with disabilities. Consequently, all project partners hope to improve health, awareness of healthier lifestyle and to decrease the use of health services.

Website of the project: /

Partners in the project:
Zavod invalidskih podjetij Slovenije (Ljubljana, Slovenija)
Racio d.o.o. (Celje, Slovenija)
*ZRP Pomelaj, z.o.o. (Velika Polana, Slovenija).
ZSSS OO Podravje in Koroška (Maribor, Slovenija).

Duration of the project: 2015 – 2016

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